Tuesdays, April 8 and 15 from 1 to 2 p.m. via Zoom
Saturday, April 19 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Harris Center
Join avid reader Susie Spikol and dendrophile Jeremy Wilson to read and discuss Treekeepers: The Race for a Forested Future – a probing and poetic look at the complex role forests play in the fight against climate change and the foresters, innovators, and citizens who are working hard to grow and re-grow the forests of our world. Afterwards, join Treekeepers author Lauren Oakes for an in-person talk at the Harris Center on Saturday, April 19 at 7 p.m. Login information will be provided via email before the first session. For more information, contact Susie.
04/08/2025, 04/12/2025, 04/15/2025, 04/19/2025
Registration starts on 02/17/2025 and ends on 04/18/2025.
Please contact Harris Center if you have any questions.